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I Believe in the AAF!

Here’s why you should too!!!

To Every Article and naysayer whose only argument is “It Just Doesn’t Work”

Why? Because it has not in the past? Isn’t that a weak argument? The odds are probably not in favor of the AAF, but to just write it off because other startup leagues have failed is crazy. That would be like writing off another female candidate for president simply because Clinton lost her race. This is not a political article; nevertheless, if a strong female candidate running for election with similar political views to you, would you write her off because it did not work in the past? Has it not been drilled into our brains since we were in kindergarten, if at first, we do not succeed, to go back to the drawing board and try again? The AAF is not Wile E. Coyote here using the same Acne bomb to catch the roadrunner. They are introducing innovative ideas to the game of football. They show a willingness to be the guinea pig to try concepts for the NFL, and the NFL cannot so they do not upset “the ways it’s always been” crowd. They have finally created a league that's simply based on “The Game”. Before you go out of your way to claim it will fail, watch a game, watch these players compete; if you’re still not a fan, that is fine, but do not go around to those of us who are enjoying this product and tell us how “dumb” we are, and how “dumb” our league is.

But David, Why Should I watch it?

Why should you watch? Well, I’m glad you asked. The biggest reason to tune on an AAF game is it’s a great product. They did not stray away from the game and create a gimmick league; they brought in good football players to play the sport, and games are getting better each and every single week. They made a few rule adjustments, and quite frankly, most of them have had a positive effect. Do you think you are going to miss the kickoff? Maybe, but I guarantee you won’t miss the onslaught of commercials one has to suffer through for them. Nothing drives fans more nuts in the NFL than a commercial break before the kickoff then another commercial break after. That doesn’t happen in an AAF game. If you need to use the bathroom, you’d better run, because it is one “Wheel’s Up” commercial, and it's back to football. The AAF did not leave out the onside kick drama either. Instead of onside kicks, the AAF give teams that are trying to make a comeback the opportunity to get the ball back after scoring with a 4th and 12 situation on their own 28-yard line. The Arizona Hotshots were the first team to implement this rule and it had fans on the edge of their seat. Another feature is the Sky Judge, a fascinating idea which puts a referee in the booth who can override mistakes made by referees in real time, such as your team’s WR getting drilled while the ball is in the air (Am I right Saints fans?). Charlie Ebersol and Bill Polian have created an innovative product without straying away from the game.

But David, What if I watch it and am not a fan?

That’s awesome, and I’m just glad you gave it a chance. There are many reasons why one may not be a fan, most notably O-Line play and QB play not quite on par with the NFL. I will happily hear and respect your opinions; I just cannot understand how so many can write an article describing their dislike for the AAF and if it eventual failures without watching the game, or worse describe what failing product without even peaking at the rating. If you do not like the product, here is an argument to at least appreciate the league: I am going to quote a man much smarter than I, my pod-mate on the All About Football Podcast (drops every Wednesday) and graphic designer extraordinaire Robert Robertson (Rob Rob), “For people out here smashing on the AAF, just remember they have created job for these players, for the people working the stadiums, [and] they haven’t cost any tax dollars. They have not required a new stadium be built; rather, the league is out here working with the community and the less fortunate in each community. When you start ragging on it, this is grassroots, this is where businesses start.” Even if you are not a fan, that is fine; nevertheless, the AAF is doing a great thing for both these players that did not make an NFL team and the community.

Alright David, So what is your favorite part of the AAF?

Oh, that’s a great question. The best part of being an AAF fan is the close community amongst other people who enjoy it. I have become friends with many folks I have never met in person because of this interest we share. Between Daniel Abendroth and Isaac Simpson from the Express and Goal podcast to Roy Countryman and Rob Rob from Blitzalytics, I have a new group of people who I talk football with at least once a week. If you watch an AAF game and enjoyed the entertainment aspect, yet you feel like you are not getting the full AAF experience, then go and find other people who enjoy it and share it with them. The camaraderie among fans has been the best part of the AAF. If you’re on Facebook, go find your favorite team’s group page and join it. If you are on Twitter, come find me (@connors_david) or Roy (@RoyBoyCountryman) and we will happily talk AAF with you (I will add a few more great twitter follows at the bottom). Check out the different podcast like All About Football, Express and Goal, or the ShipYard. The podcast is a very personal medium, and all of us truly enjoy interacting with our listeners. Come enjoy the AAF with me.

Great twitter follows for AAF fans:









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