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The Stunning Cut: OT Isaiah Wilson

Image Credit: (Christopher Hanewinckel /USA Today Sports)

Written by: Nicholas Mullick Linkedin:

Twitter: @nicholasmullick

Welcome back to The Stunning Cut, where I talk about releases that have been made in the NFL whether it is during the preseason or regular season that stunned many. For this article, I have decided to go with a man who was given yet another opportunity after he had fallen from grace, OT Isaiah Wilson. Now I have already written about his rise and fall from grace during his time in Miami and Tennessee. This is mainly going to talk about his tenure with the New York Giants as when it was revealed he was cut from the team, it was absolutely disappointing and stunning.

Who is Isaiah Wilson?

Isaiah Wilson was an offensive tackle who was drafted in the 1st round of the 2020 NFL Draft by the Tennessee Titans. He is often regarded as one of if not the biggest draft bust in Titans history. He has only played 4 snaps throughout his time with the Titans. Now I wrote a previous article going into full details about Isaiah Wilson’s Rise and Fall From Grace, but let's just say it was a very rough time. He had so many off-the-field issues being placed on the covid list multiple times, violating team rules, and multiple arrests. Wilson was arrested for DUI, Trespassing, Fleeing from Police, Possession of Acid and Marijuana, reckless driving, reckless conduct, and speeding in a construction zone. It is just crazy how many times Wilson got charged with a crime and the one decision that was crazy was the trespassing one. Keep in mind he was contemplating jumping off a 2nd story building in order to avoid the police. Imagine if he actually went through with it and actually jumped. He could have gotten seriously hurt there or even died doing that. With more and more incidents the Titans had to move on from Wilson as he did not want to play for them. So, he was traded to the Miami Dolphins for a 7th-round pick swap. It was an opportunity for a fresh start and a new beginning for Wilson.

The Day Isaiah Wilson Got Cut

That beginning would unfortunately not be long for Isaiah Wilson. Now even a few days after being acquired by the Dolphins he was supposed to show up to their facility for a physical and made other commitments to the organization. Oh, he showed up alright, multiple hours late to the physical, and blew off the other commitments. Why would he do this you ask, well when this news came out multiple videos of Wilson partying, dancing on top of a car with no shirt, and vaping multiple times. Oh by the way Wilson was the person who posted these videos on his social media platform, which is just insanely stupid for him to do. So the Dolphins, realizing they were going nowhere with the bad impression, made a move to cut ties with him after just acquiring him. This is stunning as they acquired him via trade and he was a former 1st round pick and it was just sad how he was just throwing it all away.

The Aftermath of Getting Cut

Once Wilson got cut many including myself thought that this was the end of Wilson in the NFL. But he did get tryouts with the Indianapolis Colts and New York Giants as both teams needed offensive line help. Wilson did eventually sign with the New York Giants but on the practice squad. This was his final chance and the Giants needed o-line help. If he impresses, he could even be a part of the Giants long team. Well, that was not the case as at the end of the season the Giants decided to release Wilson. The reason why is due to him sleeping during meetings and having a poor work ethic. I mean when this news came out I once again shook my head. He was again flushing his career down the porta potty. It is just a stunning fall from grace for Isaiah Wilson who went from being a 1st round pick to being out of a job in a year and a half. Wilson will never play in the NFL again and that is for the best. Wilson has now chosen to pursue a career in music as a hip hop/rapper and I wish him nothing but the best in his new career path.

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